

Siskiyou ( members Great Lake Swimmers)

Montag, 21. November

It is difficult to say exactly how long it took Siskiyou to record their debut, self-titled album. It was during downtime from the ambitious tour schedule of his former band, Great Lake Swimmers that Colin Huebert began unofficially recording ‘ideas’ at his home in Vancouver, British Columbia. It wasn’t until his final departure from said band in the summer of 2008 that Huebert found the time and energy necessary to begin crafting Siskiyou’s forthcoming album.

Never one to unconsciously adhere to rules and standards, Colin approached recording somewhat differently than others. In an attempt to remove ‘the brain’ from the song-writing process, the core of many songs were recorded, using whatever means available, often within ten minutes of their conception. Without any idea of a final product, these rudimentary recordings were shared with former band mate, Erik Arnesen, and together they meticulously built strange and lush arrangements to surround these charmed moments. Employing various locations (beaches, stairwells, bathrooms, etc.) throughout the Vancouver area, Siskiyou proceeded to balance the energy of an epiphany with a modest, methodical attention to detail. This tension, apparent throughout Siskiyou’s self-titled debut full length has been described as perfectly capturing the lush, yet often-chilly landscape of the Pacific Northwest.

With the help of two other multi-instrumentalists from Vancouver, Siskiyou delivered a series of stellar debut live performances as a four-piece to sold-out rooms in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal in autumn 2010, then embarked on a month-long tour of Europe.

The band has already finished the bulk of recording for its sophomore album, during sessions in a century-old community hall located in rural British Columbia.

externer link www.siskiyouband.com/

externer link www.myspace.com/siskiyou

externer link www.vimeo.com/21089874

externer link www.vimeo.com/15016720

externer link www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERFvgSJMRBI

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Bild zu Siskiyou (  members  Great Lake Swimmers) Bild zu Siskiyou (  members  Great Lake Swimmers)

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