

NURSE P + Braimanagerz

Donnerstag, 23. Oktober

nurse p play rumbling cuntry blue meth pop rock’n’roll coming apart at the seams, says the man.

nurse p are fabian pollack (gt), michael punzengruber (dr), bernd satzinger (bs) karl schwamberger (vc).


Began in 2005. 9 years and we still have not managed to put out a fucking record! The band was initially conceived as a parallel work-in-progress to a series of paintings being done at the time by singer/guitarist Stephen Mathewson.There was a need to expand the creative output beyond the edges of the canvas. The story within the painting series centers itself around a group of,youthful’ adults on the east coast of the USA. The Brainmanagerz thus play east coast rock music.
(whatever that is supposed to mean)
Boston…New York inspired stuff. Melodic, repetitive and sometimes guitary loud.

Stephen Mathewson vox / guitar
(among others, Steve Westfield Slow Band, Bill Janovitz, Maybe Men, M185)
Franziska Abgottspon bass / vox
(among others, Eloui, Thalija, Ernesty International)
David Quigley trumpet
Thomas Geldmacher guitar / vox
(ex Nar Malik)
Dieter Preisl drums
(among others, Der Schwimmer)

externer link www.soundcloud.com/brainmanagerz/sets/everybody

FB-Event: externer link

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