


Samstag, 14. März


21:00 the quest of digduguesclin (8bit film by sebastien lasserre, 2012)

22:30 gameboymusicclub feat. blockflötengewitter
23:30 1up collectif (fr)

dj vapcici / fikumiku / schaua / tante algeri

1up collectif* (fr)
noentiendo 8bit music! 1up collectif are two guys from south-west france using Nintendo consoles as instruments. 1up collectif emerged from various styles of rock-punk and disco techno music. Their sound fuses aggressive styles of modern rock with chiptune and video game music. Let’s dance and have fun…

externer link www.1upcollectif.tk
externer link www.soundcloud.com/1upcollectif

gameboymusicclub (a)
back in 2002 gameboymusicclub was founded by wolfgang kopper and herbert weixelbaum as an open platform to perform and experiment with gameboymusic, chiptunes and other forms of micromusic. based on that the group “gameboymusicclub” emerged as the largest and sexiest gameboymusic collective in the world. fascinated by the simplicity of the gameboy as a musical instrument and influenced by vienna’s wave scene from the 1980s gameboymusicclub´s members - musicians and amateurs of different ages and sexes - try to override popular structures and stereotypes. their latest release is a cover of depeche mode’s “dreaming of me” for the compilation “enjoy the science”/8bit operators, 2014 externer link
gameboymusicclub recently left its former homebase rhiz bar and now pops up from time to time in other locations in vienna.

externer link www.gameboymusicclub.org
externer link www.soundcloud.com/gameboymusicclub
externer link www.facebook.com/gameboymusicclub

das erste ottakringer blockflötengewitter (a)
death to recorders - long live the recorders! Das erste Ottakringer Blockflötengewitter proves that not everything you’ve learned in your childhood is pointless. The fine art of playing the recording combined with sounds from the gameboy is refreshed by the members of this band. Witness when dust is blown off old tradition!

externer link www.blockfloetengewitter.gameboymusicclub.org

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