
IN DER KUBATUR DES KABINETTS - der kunstsalon im Fluc zeigt:

Monday, 25. July


curated by Ziva Vavpotic


Ana Cigon
Cansu Berksan
Neda Hosseinyar
Betül Shayma Küpeli
Esra Özmen
Angela Wiedermann

On the decks: Trautman

The exhibition will explore the emancipatory potential and impact of artistic practice on mechanisms of discrimination and inequilites. It will present different concepts of dealing with and questioning the social categorizations. How can art actively participate in addressing the issues of social marginalisation of and ignorance towards particular groups of people? Which effects has the historiography on the present? How do stereotypes and prejudices transform through time and political situation? How can art be used for empowerment and furthermore for improvement of the current social structures?

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