
zur wanne

Delta Punk

Dienstag, 8. Oktober


LIVE: Child Abuse (Brooklyn/Skin Graft),
Support: Melmosh

Child Abuse

In their ten years of existence, CHILD ABUSE have become much more than a jarring name. The NY trio has fused elements of Noise, Death Metal, Free Jazz, and Grind (among other things) into something entirely their own, all the while becoming one of the most innovative, and polarizing bands in New York. “Trouble in Paradise”, the band’s third full-length release, expands on their forays into uncharted musical territory.

externer link www.facebook.com/childabusetheband/
externer link www.childabuse.bandcamp.com/
externer link www.skingraftrecords.com/bandhtmlpages/child_abuse.html

Austrian Progressive Grindrock made in the finest cellars of Vienna

externer link www.facebook.com/melmoshband/
externer link www.soundcloud.com/melmosh

FB-Event: externer link


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