

Mittwoch, 29. Juli

Support: Yuri Landman

Seated Show!


“Radian is a machine, their music the sum of body hydraulics and fuzzy logic.” (Will Montgomery, The Wire)

“…a band with impressively original density and texture” (Ben Ratliff,The New York Times)

“Radian mics the microcosmos of sonic detail, filtering it into a spray of white noise that’s thin as foil and dense as chain mail.” (Philip Sherburne, XLR8R )

Martin Brandlmayr - drums, electronics
John Norman - bass
Martin Siewert - guitars, lapsteel, electronics

externer link www.radian.at

Picture: Radian(c)Rania Moslam

mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Stadt Wien / Kultur

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