
In der Kubatur des Kabinetts

Mittwoch, 14. Oktober

the unhomely

The concept of the unhomely was introduced by the critical theorist and postcolonial scholar Homi Bhabha. It describes the in-between temporality of living, in between cultures, languages, and structures of power. It does not mean `homeless´, whereas emphasizes on the feeling of estrangement from home and on complication to determine where one´s home is.
This opaque position derives from the blurring boarders between home and world, private and public, from the confusion of the counter-experiences - in Bhabha´s words: `The unhomely moment relates the traumatic ambivalences of a personal, psychic history to the wider disjunctions of political existence´. Thus, political discourse relocates to psychic identification and produces the second self - yet intimate represents collective, becomes exposed as a symptom of time and political system.
In the exhibition `the unhomely´ we seek to reflect on the condition of in-betweenness and the insiders-outsideness, by approaching our own backgrounds. Based currently in Vienna, but originally coming from different countries, we experience the hybridity of living that blends different social and cultural fragments in a strange way. The situation of the constant bridging between the realities¬ and the emerging distance to one´s own self has become the framework of the project.

with works by

Borjana Ventzislavova
Pille-Riin Jaik
Nazanin Mehraein
Ana Likar

curated by Liudmila Kirsanova

The project comes through the mediation of blockfrei.org (Curators’ Agenda program).

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start 7pm at fluc(Praterstern)
opening 7.15pm at FLUC
curatorial tour 8pm at fluc
artistic texts and poetry reading 9.15 pm at fluc_wanne
Pille-Riin Jaik ‘The Desert Flowers’ and ‘Soviet district, 4th floor’
Sarah Pedde ‘the city’ and ‘the no city’
Elisabeth Molin selection from the artistic publication ‘yet_’

mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Bundeskanzleramt und Stadt Wien

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