
MALEFIZ - Take me to the Club!

Samstag, 17. Juli

MALEFIZ • Take me to the Club!
July 17 | 10pm-6am | Fluc Wanne
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Wake up sleeping beauties! MALEFIZ öffnet ENDLICH wieder die große Bühne für alle hartgesottenen Tanzoptimist_innen und taumelt mit ihnen durch eine großunartige Nacht voller verquer-verspielter POP-ELEKTRO-TANZ-MUSIK.
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Wake up sleeping beauties! MALEFIZ is FINALLY opening the big stage for all sturdy dance optimists to again stumble through a wicked night full of quirky and playful POP-ELECTRO-DANCE-MUSIC.
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EcleKtric (Vienna Shorts)
Instagram: @eclektric
Philipp Eicher (Rhinoplasty)
Instagram: @philippeicher_
J’aime Julien (MALEFIZ, HONEY)
Instagram: @jaimejulien
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Before 10pm: Free
After 10pm: 10€
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Fluc Wanne & Marina Bar
Entry via Marina Bar (Backside of Fluc, Prater Park)!
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Entry to the party is possible with one of the 2 G´s: GeIMPFT, PCR-GeTESTET! So please bring the respective documentation, IT WILL BE CHECKED AT THE ENTRANCE!

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