
zur wanne

21:00: sisters+

Samstag, 28. Januar


It’s a cuddle puddle!

We are body/sex and very much non-conforming positive … you come as you feel.
Casual, kinky, graceful, magical, or femme-forward … there is no wrong, just a right.
Most important: Gender is a lie!
If you are straight and/or cis male, please be aware SISTERS+ is a queer space prioritizing female, femme, lesbian, intersex and trans people.
The party is just as good as its guests.

A legendary start in to a legendary night with wonderful:
Safir van Cartier & Denice Bourbon

Followed by most amazing queer babes:
my heart your ass

If you feel uneasy or even unsafe we have Sisters+ present who are pleased to help and support you with any kind of concern. Come early, come often, be nice.

START: 21:00

21:00 - 22:00 = 5,00eur (OR MORE)
22:00 - > = 10,00eur (OR MORE)

If you canĀ“t afford the entrance, write us,
we find a way. Because we love you.

If you have any input or feedback: lisa.sistersvienna@gmail.com
NO GENDER Toilets as usual

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